BuyersBuyingDownsizingFirst Time Home BuyersMove-Up BuyersRent vs Buy October 17, 2023

How Buying a Multi-Generational Home Helps with Affordability Today

In today’s world of rising housing costs, many buyers are looking for ways to be able to buy a home. Some of them have found a solution in multi-generational living.

Multi-generational living is when two or more adult generations live together under one roof. This includes siblings, parents, or even grandparents. Here’s an in-depth look at why more buyers are choosing this option today, so you can see if it may be right for you too.

Reasons To Buy a Multi-Generational Home

According to a recent study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the top two reasons people are opting for multi-generational homes today have to do with affordability (see graph below):

Cost Savings: About 28% of first-time buyers and 11% of repeat buyers are deciding on a multi-generational home to save on costs. By pooling their resources, households can share the financial responsibilities like mortgage payments, utilities, property taxes, and maintenance, to make homeownership more affordable. This is especially helpful for first-time homebuyers who may be finding it tough to afford a home on their own in today’s market.

More Space: Another 28% of first-time buyers and 18% of repeat buyers are doing it because they want a larger home they couldn’t afford on their own. For some of the repeat buyers who listed this as a main motivator, it could be because they find themselves taking care of older parents while also welcoming back young adults who’ve returned to the nest. With everyone chipping in and combining their incomes, suddenly, that big dream home with more space is within reach. As the Triangle Business Journal explains:

Choosing multi-gen living allows people to purchase a home much larger than they could afford on their own by leveraging the combined income, credit and a down payment of those that they will be occupying the home with.”

Lean on an Expert

If you’re interested in this too, partner with a local real estate agent. Finding the perfect multi-generational home isn’t as simple as shopping for a regular house. That’s because there are more people with even more opinions and needs that should be considered.

You’ve got to make sure everyone has their own space, find room for shared household time, and possibly even create adaptable areas for older relatives. It’s a puzzle, and the pieces need to fit just right. Your real estate agent has the expertise and local knowledge to help you find that home where everyone can be comfortable without breaking the bank. As puts it:

“Having a good multigenerational property can improve the prospects of success when living with loved ones. A multigenerational home should fit the specific needs of most family members regardless of age or health. Speaking to a real-estate agent can help you gain clarity and locate a fit.”

Bottom Line

Buying a multi-generational home can be a smart way to tackle some of today’s affordability challenges. When you team up to share expenses, you can make your dream of homeownership more attainable. If this sounds like an option for you and your loved ones, reach out to your trusted real estate advisor to help you find a home that’s the perfect fit.

BuyersBuyingFirst Time Home BuyersHousing Market UpdateInterest Rates October 16, 2023

Are Higher Mortgage Rates Here To Stay?

Mortgage rates have been back on the rise recently and that’s getting a lot of attention from the press. If you’ve been following the headlines, you may have even seen rates recently reached their highest level in over two decades (see graph below):

That can feel like a little bit of a gut punch if you’re thinking about making a move. If you’re wondering whether or not you should delay your plans, here’s what you really need to know.

How Higher Mortgage Rates Impact You 

There’s no denying mortgage rates are higher right now than they were in recent years. And, when rates are up, that affects overall home affordability. It works like this. The higher the rate, the more expensive it is to borrow money when you buy a home. That’s because, as rates trend up, your monthly mortgage payment for your future home loan also increases.

Urban Institute explains how this is impacting buyers and sellers right now:

When mortgage rates go up, monthly housing payments on new purchases also increase. For potential buyers, increased monthly payments can reduce the share of available affordable homes . . . Additionally, higher interest rates mean fewer homes on the market, as existing homeowners have an incentive to hold on to their home to keep their low interest rate.”

Basically, some people are deciding to put their plans on hold because of where mortgage rates are right now. However, what you want to know is: is that a good strategy?

Where Will Mortgage Rates Go from Here?

If you’re eager for mortgage rates to drop, you’re not alone. A lot of people are waiting for that to happen. But here’s the thing, no one knows when it will. Even the experts can’t say with certainty what’s going to happen next.

Forecasts project rates will fall in the months ahead, but what the latest data says is that rates have been climbing lately. This disconnect shows just how tricky mortgage rates are to project.

The best advice for your move is this: don’t try to control what you can’t control. This includes trying to time the market or guess what the future holds for mortgage rates. As CBS News states:

“If you’re in the market for a new home, experts typically recommend focusing your search on the right home purchase — not the interest rate environment.”

Instead, work on building a team of skilled professionals, including a trusted lender and real estate agent, who can explain what’s happening in the market and what it means for you. If you need to move because you’re changing jobs, want to be closer to family, or are in the middle of another big life change, the right team can help you achieve your goal, even now.

Bottom Line

The best advice for your move is: don’t try to control what you can’t control – especially mortgage rates. Even the experts can’t say for certain where they’ll go from here. Instead, focus on building a team of trusted professionals who can keep you informed.

BuyersBuyingDownsizingFirst Time Home BuyersMove-Up BuyersRent vs Buy October 13, 2023

The Difference Between Renting and Buying a Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights

  • When deciding between buying a home or renting, think about these three important factors.
  • Buying a home means avoiding rising rents, owning a tangible and valuable asset, and growing your wealth over time.
BuyersBuyingFirst Time Home BuyersHomeownershipRent vs Buy October 12, 2023

Growing Your Net Worth with Homeownership

Take a moment to imagine where you want to be in a few years. You might be thinking about your job, money, wanting more stability, or goals you want to reach soon. Is homeownership a part of that vision? If it is, you should know owning a home has a whole lot of financial benefits.

One of the many reasons to buy a home is that it’s a great way to build wealth and gain financial stability. That’s because the value of most homes increases over time, which in turn grows your net worth. Here’s how home values are rising right now. According to Zillow:

“The total value of the U.S. housing market – the sum of Zillow’s estimated value for every U.S. home – is now slightly less than $52 trillion, which is $1.1 trillion higher than the previous peak reached last June.”

Basically, homeownership is a tremendous wealth-building tool. And with home values back on the rise across the nation, now might be a good time to consider if owning a home is something you want to reach for.

Here’s a look at some data to see how much owning a home can really make a difference in your life.

Household Net Worth Is Rising

Data shows that while those in the top 1% saw the most dramatic net worth increase, people from every single tax bracket have seen their wealth grow over the past few years (see graph below):

For many of those people, the rising value of their home plays a big part in that.

Owning a Home Helps You Achieve Financial Success

You can tell homeownership had a lot to do with that growth because there’s a significant net worth gap between homeowners and renters. As Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says:

 “. . . homeownership is a catalyst for building wealth for people from all walks of life. A monthly mortgage payment is often considered a forced savings account that helps homeowners build a net worth about 40 times higher than that of a renter.”

The big reason why? Homeowners build equity. Home equity is the value of your home minus the amount you owe on your mortgage. And for most homeowners, that’s the largest contributor to their net worth. Here’s the data from First American to prove it (see graph below):

The blue portion of each bar represents housing as a portion of net worth – and it’s clearly a bigger contributor than other investments like stocks, gold, and cryptocurrencies. As you can see, across different income levels, homeownership does more to build the average household’s wealth than anything else.

Bottom Line

One of the biggest benefits of owning a home is that it can provide an avenue to grow your net worth.

BuyersDownsizingFirst Time Home BuyersMove-Up Buyers October 11, 2023

The Latest Expert Forecasts for Home Prices in 2023

Are you thinking about making a move? If so, all the speculation that home prices would crash this year may have you feeling a bit on edge about your decision. Let the data and the experts reassure you. Prices aren’t in a downward spiral and will actually finish the year strong.

Even though you may have heard talk that prices would drop 5, 10, or even 20% this year, that hasn’t happened. The big reason why is the supply of homes for sale is too low. There are just more buyers looking to buy than homes available, and that’s kept prices from falling.

To prove this year wasn’t a bust for home prices, let’s look at the latest 2023 forecast from a number of experts.

Most Experts Project Home Prices Will Net Positive This Year

The general consensus from industry experts is that home price appreciation will actually be positive for 2023. The graph below shows the latest 2023 year-end forecasts from six different organizations:

As you can see, all but one project nationally prices will net positive this year. That’s significant because it shows the majority are optimistic about home price growth.

If you’re still concerned about the one red bar that shows an overall price drop for the year, think about this. The projection from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) is for only a slight decline. It’s not the big crash all the headlines called for. Plus, if you average all six forecasts together, the expectation is that prices will net somewhere around 3.3% positive growth for the year.

If these 6 organizations aren’t enough to convince you that prices won’t come tumbling down, here’s something else to consider; one of the six forecasts represented in the graph is the Home Price Expectation Survey (HPES) from Pulsenomics. It combines survey results from over 100 economists, investment strategists, and housing market analysts. The HPES found that the average from all 100 of those experts is 3.3% price growth for the year.

If you look back at the graph above, you’ll notice the blue average for the forecasts in this graph is also 3.3%. While individual forecasts may vary, both the HPES survey and the average of these forecasts provide the same projection. 3.3% appreciation is a completely different story than prices falling.

Bottom Line

If you’re nervous about home prices falling this year, let the experts reassure you. Based on the average of the latest forecasts, home prices will actually show positive growth this year. If you have questions about what’s happening with home prices in our local area, please give me a shout!

Baby BoomersBuyingSelling October 10, 2023

Are Grandparents Moving To Be Closer to Their Grandkids?

During the pandemic, many people distanced themselves from their loved ones for health reasons. Grandparents were told to stay away from their grandkids, especially as schools started to open. That’s because it would have been risky to visit with their grandchildren who may have gotten sick from school.

Now that the pandemic has passed, many grandparents want more than ever to be near their grandchildren again to make up for that lost time. But how are they getting that “Grandparent Wish?” The data tells us many are moving to make sure they’re getting more quality time.

Grandparents Are Moving To Be Near Loved Ones

Recent data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows people between the ages of 55 and 74 are moving farther (more than 100 miles) than any other age group (see graph below):

The average age of grandparents in the U.S. is 67 years. The logical leap is that at least some of the people who are moving the furthest are grandparents. But what’s causing them to move so far?

The same report from NAR shows the top reason people move is to be closer to loved ones (see graph below):

Based on this data, it’s fair to say many grandparents are getting their wish of more quality time with their grandchildren by moving to be closer to them. And after experiencing isolation and loneliness during the COVID pandemic, that’s an especially good thing.

If you’re a grandparent, you know how important your grandchildren are. And you may be willing to sell and move just to be closer by. As Vance Cariaga, a journalist at Go Bank Rates, explains:

“Never underestimate the power of grandchildren – especially when it comes to lifestyle and financial decisions. Recent data shows that many baby boomers are relocating further away from home than they used to so they can be closer to their grandbabies.

Bottom Line

The data shows grandparents are moving further to be near their grandchildren. If you have grandchildren of your own, maybe you can relate. When you decide it’s time to be closer to your loved ones, let’s connect.

SellersSelling October 9, 2023

Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have

Selling your house is a big decision and that can make it feel both exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. The key to a successful sale is finding the perfect listing agent to work with you throughout the process. A listing agent helps market and sell your house while advocating for you every step of the way.

But, how do you know you’ve found the perfect match in an agent? Here are three key skills you’ll want your listing agent to have.

Pricing Your House Based on the Latest Data

While it may be tempting to pick the agent who suggests the highest asking price for your house, that strategy may cost you. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement when you see a bigger number, but overpricing your house can have consequences. It could mean it’ll sit on the market longer because the higher price is actually deterring buyers.

Instead, you want to pick an agent who’s going to have an open conversation about how they think you should price your house and why. A great agent will base their pricing strategy on solid data. They won’t throw out a number just to win your listing. Instead, they’ll show you the facts, explain their pricing strategy, and make sure you’re on the same page. As NerdWallet explains:

“An agent who recommends the highest price isn’t always the best choice. Choose an agent who backs up the recommendation with market knowledge.”

A Great Negotiator

The home-selling process can be emotional, especially if you’ve been in your house for a long time. You’re connected to it and have a lot of memories there. This can make the negotiation process harder. That’s where a trusted professional comes in.

A skilled listing agent will be calm under pressure and will be your point person in all of those conversations. Their experience in handling the back-and-forth gives you the peace of mind that you’ve got someone on your side who’s got your best interests in mind throughout this journey.

A Skilled Problem Solver

At the heart of it all, a listing agent’s main priority is to get your house sold. A great agent never loses sight of that goal and will help you prioritize your needs above all else. If they identify any necessary steps you need to take, they’ll be open with you about it. Their commitment to your success means they’ll work with you to address any potential roadblocks and find creative solutions to anything that pops up along the way.

BankRate explains it like this:

“Just as important as the knowledge and experience agents bring is their ability to guide you smoothly through the process. Above all, go with an agent you trust and will feel comfortable with. . .”

Bottom Line

Whether you’re a first-time seller or you’ve been through selling a house before, a great listing agent is the key to success.

BuyersBuyingHomeownership October 6, 2023

How Homeowner Net Worth Grows with Time [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights

  • If you’re thinking about buying a home this year, be sure to consider the long-term financial advantages of homeownership, like home equity.
  • On average, people who bought homes 32 years ago have seen their home’s value nearly triple over that time.
  • If you’re wondering if buying a home is a good idea, remember rising home values could grow your net worth with time. When you’re ready to start your homebuying journey, let’s talk.
BuyersFirst Time Home BuyersMove-Up Buyers October 5, 2023

Are You a Homebuyer Worried About Climate Risks?

The increasing effects of natural disasters are leading to new obstacles in residential real estate. As a recent article from CoreLogic explains:

 “As the specter of climate change looms large, the world braces for unprecedented challenges. In the world of real estate, one of those challenges will be the effects of natural catastrophes on property portfolios, homeowners, and communities.

That may be why, according to Zillow, more and more Americans now consider how climate risks and natural disasters can impact their homeownership plans (see below):

This study goes on to explain that climate risks affect where many people look for a home. That’s because homebuyers are interested in finding out if the house they want will be exposed to things like floods, extreme heat, and wildfires.

If you’re in the same situation and are thinking about what to do next, here’s some important information to consider as you start looking for a home.

 Expert Advice for Homebuyers To Reduce Climate Risks

The first thing to do is understand how to go about buying a home while thinking about climate risks. With the right help and resources, you can simplify the process.

The Mortgage Reports provides these tips for buying your next home:

  •  Evaluate climate risks: Before buying a home, it’s important to check if it’s in a flood-prone area using the FEMA website, review the seller’s property disclosure for any past damage, and get an inspection for issues like cracks and mold to make sure it’s a safe investment.
  • Consider future preventative maintenance costs: For areas that get tropical storms, you may need to purchase hurricane shutters and sandbags to protect the home. In wildfire-prone areas, you may want to clear plants five feet from the house, consider rooftop sprinklers, or possibly buy gutter guards to prevent fire hazards. Factor these future expenses in when touring homes that may need them.
  • Take steps to avoid losing your assets: Getting the right insurance for a home in a high-risk climate area is crucial. You should shop around and talk to multiple insurance agents to compare prices and options before deciding to bid on a home.

Above all else, your most valuable resource during this process is a trusted real estate expert. They’ll always focus on your goals while keeping your concerns top of mind. Even if they don’t have all the answers about how your home can handle natural disasters, they can connect you with the right experts and information.

Bottom Line

If you want to buy a home, but you’re also thinking about climate risks, you’re not alone. Your home is a big investment, and if anything can impact that, you want to know.

BuyersBuying MythsFirst Time Home BuyersInterest RatesMove-Up Buyers October 4, 2023

Understanding the Benefits of Owning Your First Home

Are you considering buying your first home? If so, it can be helpful to know what led other people to make that decision. According to a recent survey of first-time homebuyers by PulteGroup:

“When asked why they purchased their first home recently, the answer was simple: because they wanted to. Either the desire to stop renting or recognition that homeownership is a smart financial investment was the main motivator for 72% of respondents.

While that survey looked specifically at first-time homebuyers buying newly built homes, the same sentiment is true for just about anyone buying their first home. Here’s a bit more information to help you think about those two benefits of homeownership to see if they’re a key factor for you too.

When You Buy a Home, You Have More Stability than When You Rent

You might want to stop renting because rents keep going up. If you’re a renter, that means there’s a chance your payment will increase each time you sign a new rental agreement or renew your current one.

On the other hand, when you buy your home with a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly housing payment is predictable over the length of that loan. This stability can give you peace of mind that renting just can’t provide. Jeff Ostrowski, real estate journalist, breaks it down:

With a fixed-rate mortgage, your monthly principal and interest payment is set for as long as you keep the loan. Sign a rental lease, however, and you could see your rent rise the following year, the year after that and so on.”

When You Buy a Home, You Grow Your Wealth as Home Values Climb

Beyond that, owning a home can also be a great long-term investment. While renting may be the more affordable option right now, it doesn’t provide an avenue for you to grow your wealth over time. Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, explains that’s an important distinction to consider:

Given current dynamics, more young households may choose to rent in the near term as the cost to own, excluding house price appreciation, has unequivocally increased. Yet, accounting for house price appreciation in that cost of homeownership, whether to rent or buy will depend on where, and if, a home is likely to cost more or less in the near future.

Basically, renting doesn’t allow you to build equity. In contrast, homeownership can help you grow your net worth as your home’s value appreciates. That’s a significant perk you can’t get if you keep renting.

When you take that into account, it may make better financial sense to buy. Most experts project home prices will continue to appreciate over the next few years at a pace that’s more normal for the market. That means when you buy a home, not only are you investing in a place to live, but you’re also investing in your financial future.

Bottom Line

If you’re ready, it can be a smart move to buy your first home instead of renting. Let’s chat so you can stabilize your housing payment and start building wealth for your future.